Responsible Travel in French Polynesia: 5 Tips for a Sustainable Trip

Support Local Business Owners

Whenever possible, I make an effort to mindfully spend my money on local businesses that will keep that money in circulation locally. In a country with a colonial past like French Polynesia, I also try to go a step further and find businesses that are ran by Indigenous Polynesians as well. This usually means staying at locally run guest houses rather than resorts.

Eat Locally Sourced Foods

While it’s always a good idea to eat locally, it is especially true in a place where imported foods come from thousands of miles away using fossil fuels. In French Polynesia, eating locally means a lot of fruits and fish, as well as pork, poultry, taro, and sweet potatoes. Beyond having a smaller carbon footprint, eating locally sourced ingredients also helps supports support food sovereignty and gives a meaningful boost to the economy.

Reef-Safe Sunscreen

French Polynesia is home to some of the world’s most biologically diverse and culturally significant marine systems, and it’s our responsibility as visitors to make sure we don’t harm it. Double check your sunscreen ingredients to make sure it’s reef safe – which typically means it will zinc or mineral based and does not contain oxybenzone or octinoxate. If you’re unsure, a quick google will usually point you in the right direction.

Pack Out Your Trash

Waste management is a huge issue facing French Polynesia today. So, similar to hiking, I decided to take a leave-no-trace approach to my time in there. That meant that I spent time making sure to remove the tags and packaging from everything I was bringing to the islands, as well as packing out any small trash that couldn’t be recycled or composted in a little ziplock to bring home.

Solar Powered Scooters

To try to reduce our carbon impact on the island, we opted to rent solar-powered electric scooters from a local startup called Hello Scoot. We had a phenomenal time, and found that the flexibility and ease of use was an even better experience than dealing with traditional rentals. Just make sure you download the app and upload your driving documents ahead of time so that you’re good to go!

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